Saturday, 5 October 2013

Posted by Muhammad Adam bin Roslan |

There are a lot of Muslims work in grocery shops, shopping complex as cashier, retailer and many more in Malaysia. Thanks to Allah because there a lot of job opportunities in Malaysia for Muslims to attain Allah's pleasure as well as to gain income to bear their cost of living.. The people who own the business are come from Muslims and non-Muslims because in Malaysia we allowed everyone to run their own business.

Islam does not prohibit Muslim to run the business as long as it not involves in haram things, elements of riba, gambling and maysir. Besides that, Islam also not prohibit Muslim to work with other people. However, Islam provide the guidelines for Muslims to live in this world as the Muslims need to seek the pleasure of Allah. If they can follow the guidelines with the good intention( for the sake of Allah), the work will become 'Ibadah for them.

There are many jobs available in Malaysia. The Muslims should choose the job wisely to avoid from committing sins. But, there are still many Muslims not covering their aurah when they put on their attire in their working place. Some attires are too tight which cause the shape of the body can be seen by others. Some shirts which provided by the employer is short-sleeved shirt. It is not suitable for Muslimah.

The employer need to respect the dress code in Islam. This incident should be taken seriously by the employer and all Muslims. We cannot let this happen again.. The government should monitor the companies in Malaysia to make sure they provide the right attire for our Muslims in Malaysia because the government need to protect the right for Muslims.

Hopefully, all Muslims can work comfortably and we need to put in our mind that only Allah can gives us rezeki, not others. Do not worship money, but worship Allah. All the best in your life and may Allah bless all Muslims who are struggling in this world to achieve success in hereafter.  

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